”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia - The Centre for Research and Innovation in Linguistic Education
The Centre for Research and Innovation in Linguistic Education
Conferences 2008


The 1st International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education, Alba Iulia, 27 - 29 November, 2008
under the patronage of Leonard Orban, Member of the European Commission responsible for multilingualism; SPECIAL THEME:  Multilingualism and plurilingualism,   Migrants" Languages,  Minority Languages (http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2008/limbi_moderne/index.htm)

The conference had eight sections: European Discourses on Immigration, Migrants and Migrant Culture; Contrastive Linguistics; Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric and Pragmatics; Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Education; Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe; Business Communication; Intercultural Communication and Multicultural Identities; Second Language Acquisition / Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe

Keynote speakers:

Professor Cornelia ILIE, University of Orebro, Beyond the logos of multilingualism: The ethos of rhetoric in intercultural education;

Professor Giovanna CAMPANI, University of Florence, Europe and her languages;

Professor Roberto MARAFIOTI, University of Buenos Aires, Multiculturalism and multilinguism. Generalised dialogism or monologism?;

Professor Ecaterina POPA, "Babeş-Bolyai"University of Cluj-Napoca, Languages in a Wider Europe and Linguistic Policies;

Professor Virgil STANCIU, "Babeş-Bolyai"University of Cluj-Napoca, Recent English Fiction and the Lure of History.

Within the conference the organizers launched the idea to set up an international network, ENIEDA, whose aim was to facilitate the implementation of joint research and educational programmes which promote multilingualism and cross-cultural communication.